Saturday, January 4, 2014

Korean Music Time! #13: Yoon Soo-Il - Apartment (윤수일 - 아파트)

I've got a bunch of translated songs to put up here periodically so that I can update this blog at a fairly regular pace. Cool, eh? Here's another classic pop song that I happen to like.


별빛이 흐르는 다리를 건너
I cross the bridge that the starlight falls on
바람부는 갈대숲을 지나
I pass the reeds that the wind is blowing
언제나 나를 언제나 나를 기다리던 너의 아파트
To your apartment where you always waited for me

그리운 마음에 전화를 하면
If you make a phone call to my pining heart
아름다운 너의 목소리
Your beautiful voice
언제나 내게 언제나 내게 속삭이던 너의 목소리
Your voice that always whispered to me

흘러가는 강물처럼
Like drifting river water
흘러가는 구름처럼
Like drifting clouds
머물지못해 떠나가버린 너를 못잊어
I can’t forget you, who left, unable to stay

오늘도 바보처럼 미련때문에
Even today, like a fool, because of my attachment
다시또 찾아 왔지만
Yet again I came to visit
아무도 없는 아무도 없는 쓸쓸한 너의 아파트
But it was to your lonely apartment with no one there

I feel like this translation is a little awkward, but it's about the best I can come up with. I think the general story is clear though.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ian! This Rocks. Believe it or not 30 yrs ago I sang Ah-Pa-tuh, (Apt... apartment) on Korean national tv for a foreigners talent contest. Ah good times. Cool to see it still rocks.
