Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Secret Video!

Well, isn't this just exciting? Secret's new video came out today, and it already sounds like another hit is in store for the fantastic four. It's also their first single with a half-Korean, half-English title:

After going the "cute" route for two singles, they're changing it up with the in-your-face sexy route this time. That's certainly typical in the Korean pop world, I suppose because it helps keep you in anticipation for what the group is going to do next.

As for the music, I'm impressed. Secret's producers seem to be among the most creative in the biz, because they're always doing something a little different than what everyone else is doing, but not different enough so as to seem completely outside the market's interests. Take this song, for instance. They basically combined a 1960's garage-rock sound with modern-day heavy-bass dance pop. I'd never thought about that hybrid before, but now I've heard it, and it stands out from the pack in a good way.

It's been over two years since Secret debuted, and their first full-length album is out today as well. Their previous releases had all been mini-albums, which are essentially EPs or glorified singles. Needless to say, my weekend shopping list has a new item on it.

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