Monday, July 25, 2011

Living Dangerously

Tonight I did something...risky! Risky, that is, when you're a picky eater like I am. I went into a Korean food shop and had a meal there. I even ordered something my friend Roy had recommended to me without ever having seen it before. Call me boring, will they? I'll show them! Who am I talking about?

I have to confess that I've had a hard time finding Korean food that I really like, so I've mostly stuck to foods I'm familiar with. If you were wondering why I eat so much pizza, that's the reason. I guess I figured it was time for something different. My meal was bibimbap (which I'd enjoyed on the flight here) and mandu (Roy's recommendation). Bibimbap is a mixture of rice, vegetables and sauces, and mandu is sort of a stuffed dumpling type of thing. The meal was OK, but man, was it spicy. I'd wager many Koreans have never dealt with sinus congestion in their lives.

I felt full about halfway through the meal, but since I like to get my money's worth (we're talking about 7000 won here!), I tried to eat as much as I possibly could. Since the mandu wasn't as spicy as the bibimbap, I set the bibimbap aside after eating most of it and committed to at least finishing the mandu, an endeavor at which I was successful!

I don't currently foresee myself being a regular diner at that establishment, but I'm glad I had the experience. At least I proved to myself that I can survive being outside my comfort zone just a tad.


  1. That's my biggest fear about going over seas ( it'll happen eventually steve really want to go) eating! Foreign foods are where I get REALLY picky. So kudos to you for stepping out of your comfort zone, and with something spicy too! Glad to read that you're having one heck of an adventure in Korea!

  2. Hey Tina. The longer you stay in one place the easier it gets to try new stuff. I mean, I can't live on pizza forever, right?
