Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Hello, neighbor! Since you're my guest at this blog, I thought you'd like a tour! Thanks to my new digital camera, I'm able to give you one!

Here's what my computer area looks like. If you've written anything to me on the internet, just picture me sitting here reading it.

This is my bed, or as I never call it, "The Sleep Zone." I think the scratched wallpaper adds character.

 Here's a cramped shot of my kitchen! I have a refrigerator and a microwave and a trash can and everything! What matter of goodies can you find about my kitchen?

Why lookie here! A box from Nantapizza 5000! This is the XXXL size.

Here's that cute cat comic I mentioned before that appears on the back of the boxes.

Whoa! A Sun Chips sighting!

The kitchen always feels a little empty without a box of Corn Flight, presumably part of a balanced breakfast.

Here's a bottle of blackberry-flavored Hong Cho, Korea's world-class Vinegreat Drink. Everyone drinks it, from insignificant little people like me to members of Secret.

Let's step outside my room and go for a walk! What does it look like...out Korea?

Here's the outside of my building. Pretty, ain't it?

If you look to your left, you can see the school building. Pretty, ain't it?

A little trip down the alley and we come to...

...the coffee shop connected to our school! Say! Let's take a closer look at that sign!

Huh. Well, I think I sort of get what they were trying to say...maybe...kind of. Whatever. Hick the aroma, y'all!

Here's the scene across the street from the coffee shop. That place with the yellow sign is the restaurant I mentioned in this post.

Here's a quaint little cobbler's booth just down the street from there. The translation of that sign is "shoe hospital."

Here's that stationery store where I finally found the postcard I was looking for. It's also where I got my awesome alarm clock.

Since I took these pictures on Monday, which was Gwangbokcheol, Korean flags were on all the posts.

Here's the store where I do most of my grocery shopping. It's one of many on the street, and while it isn't the least expensive, it offers more selection than the one that is. For certain items it's my go-to place.

These motorbikes are everywhere in Korea, and these circular black things are quite abundant as well. What are these circular black things, you ask? They hold inflatable signs that light up at night time to advertise for various businesses.

They can be used during the daytime too. Here's what they look like.

Finally, the place you've all been dying to see ever since I started this blog...

...Nantapizza 5000!

Here's a look at their menu posted on the wall outside:

Da-rool, da-rool.

I hope you enjoyed this look around my neighborhood! May I take off this cardigan sweater now? It's August, for crying out loud!


  1. Thanks Ian for posting pictures! It's exciting to see where you live and go. I can now visualize Nantapizza 5000! ha ha, sounds like either a bad infomercial or something futuristic :)

    We all miss you here in the states, but through your blog it's like I'm there! Ok, not really really, but close enough.

  2. You know, I hadn't thought about it, but Nantapizza 5000 does sound sort of futuristic. The "5000" is a reference to the fact that their cheapest pizza costs 5,000 Won, which is about $5.00 to us.

    After I put up this post I realized that there's a historical marker literally a few feet away from Nantapizza that I didn't get a picture of. I guess you can see what my mind was focused on. I'll have to atone for this mistake by going back and getting a picture of it.

  3. Yeah, i think of it more like " the suck-o-matic 5000" type comical infomercial. I got how it was named though :)

    I forgot to mention how great the pictures looked! What kind of camera did you get?

    looking forward to your next blog!

  4. My camera is a Fujifilm Finepix J32. It was the least-expensive camera they had at the electronics store. I figured it was good enough for my purposes.

  5. and since it probably didn't travel far to be sold in that store!
